Sweeny vs Bard Season 3 Ep. 5: Sex, Ritual, and Religion - with Thomas Hamelryck


A heated and passionate discussion about our usual topics: Process and Event in relation to sex and religion. Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism - popular sutric religion and behind the 'barred absolute'. The place of sex and violence in ritual. And so much more.


Sex, Ritual, and Religion

A heated discussion about our usual topics: Process and Event in relation to sex and religion. Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism - popular sutric religion and behind the ‘barred absolute’.  The place of sex and voilence in ritual.  And so much more.

Links to books by Alexander Bard  with Jan Söderqvist:

The Futurica Trilogy (2012)
Syntheism – Creating God in the Internet Age (2014)
Digital Libido - Sex, power and violence in the network society

Intro music: Andrew Sweeny: Beautiful Machines
Picture credit Thomas Hamelryck: Erika Svensson

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