Sweeny vs Bard Season 3 Ep. 7: - with Thomas Hamelryck


The scapegoat mob and the Exodus, Tantra and Zoroastrianism, Axial Age vs Bronze age, Egyptian vs Persian culture, The two river systems, Hegel, Nietzsche, and so much more. Two hours of dynamite.


The wisdom and the madness of crowds

The Mob and the Exodus, Tantra and Zoroastrianism, Axial Age vs Bronze age, Egyptian vs Persian culture, The two river systems, Hegel, Nietzsche, and so much more. Two hours of dynamite!

Alexander Bard's Books
The Futurica Trilogy (2012)
Syntheism – Creating God in the Internet Age (2014)
Digital Libido - Sex, power and violence in the network society

Intro music: Beautiful Machines, By Andrew Sweeny

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