Sweeny vs Bard Season 3 Ep. 10: - Thomas Hamelryck


Sweeny vs Bard S03E10: Western Tantra? - with Thomas Hamelryck Can Tantra flourish in western society that is predominantly Christian and Moslem? What are the historical roots of Tantra? Is Tantra a religion? Is Tantra sexual technique or a spiritual practice? A wide ranging discussion on all things Tantra, from Vajrayana Buddhist tantra to neo Tantra.


Western Tantra?

Can Tantra flourish in western society that is predominantly Christian and Moslem? What are the historical roots of Tantra? Is Tantra a religion? Is Tantra sexual technique or a spiritual practice? A boisterous discussion on all things Tantra, from Vajrayana Buddhist Tantra to neo Tantra—Alexander says is the best one we have had yet.

Alexander Bard's Books
The Futurica Trilogy (2012)
Syntheism – Creating God in the Internet Age (2014)
Digital Libido - Sex, power and violence in the network society

Intro music: Beautiful Machines, By Andrew Sweeny

Andrew SweenyComment