Parallax Roundtable with Tomas Björkman, John Bunzl and Tom Amarque


Co-Creating Global Governance: A roundtable with Tomas Björkman and John Bunzl How do we think and act globally AND locally? What are the alternatives to destructive catpitalism? What does the evolution of consciousness have to do with it? Are we on a 'crtitical and better path' towards the future?


Co-Creating Global Governance: A roundtable with Tomas Björkman and John Bunzl

How do we think and act globally AND locally?

What are the alternatives to destructive capitalism?

What does the evolution of consciousness have to do with it?

Are we on a ‘critical and better path’ towards the future?

Tomas Björkman (b. 1958) is Swedish; he has a master’s degree in physics and studied macroeconomics on the side. He has made a career as an entrepreneur in a variety of businesses within financial services, media, property development, and banking and has worked all over Europe. Today, he works as a social entrepreneur through his Ekskäret Foundation. He has published The Nordic Secret (Deutsch: Das skandinavische Geheimnis) and The world we create.

John Bunzl is a global political activist and businessman. In 2000, he founded the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign, a way for citizens to use their votes to drive politicians towards global cooperation. It has supporters in over 100 countries and enjoys the support of a growing number of Members of Parliament around the world. He has authored or co-authored a number of books including The Simpol solution (deutsch: Nationales Denken - Globale Krise), Monetary Reform – Making it Happen!, People-centred Global Governance – Making it Happen!, and Global Domestic Politics. He has published numerous articles on global governance in the Journal of Integral Theory & Practice. He has lectured widely, including to The Schumacher Society, The World Trade Organisation, The Lucis Trust, and various universities.

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